Saturday 28 March 2015

17 Resepi Pantang Selepas Bersalin Normal & Pembedahan

*Sejujurnya resepi ni saya dapat dari facebook kalau tak silap. So lepas baca boleh SHARE untuk orang lain pula ye.   :)
Bukan sahaja untuk ibu selepas bersalin, samada bersalin normal, caesar atau pembedahan, resipi ini juga boleh digunapakai untuk kanak-kanak selepas berkhatan atau bersunat.
1. Ikan Masin Lada Hitam
-Ikan masin (Digoreng tanpa minyak)
-Lada hitam
-Tumbuk bahan tersebut dan jika suka boleh ditambah perahan limau
Gaulkannya sebati

2. Ikan Tenggiri Kering
-1 keping ikan tenggiri kering
-2 biji lada besar
-½ biji bawang besar dihiris
-Ikan digoreng layur bersama hirisan halia.
-Kemudian ditumbuk bersama lada besar dan bawang tapi jangan hancur.
-Hidang bersama nasi panas

3. Sambal Tok-tok Lada Hitam
-Bawang merah
-Bawang putih
-Ikan bilis
-Lada hitam
-Goreng layur bahan tersebut dan tumbuk campur sikit garam
Hidang bersama nasi panas

4. Ikan Masin Goreng Asam Jawa
-Isi ikan masin (Kurau @ Talang)
-1 labu bawang besar
-5-6 tangkai cili kering
-3 ulas bawang putih
-½ inci halia
-Sedikit air asam jawa & gula
-Tumis semua bahan yang dihiris.
-Bila agak garing, masukkan air asam jawa, garam dan sedikit gula .
-Akhir sekali masukkan ikan masin yang telah digoreng terlebih dahulu.

5. Ikan Bilis Goreng Aroma
-100g ikan bilis putih
-3 batang serai (Dititik @ dihiris ikut suka)
-1 biji bawang besar dimayang
-2cm halia dimayang
-6 helai daun limau purut dihiris @ dikoyak kasar
-6 biji cili padi diketuk
-Goreng ikan bilis hingga ranggup
-Kemudian masukkan bahan hirisan

6. Ikan Bilis Dengan Cili Mesin
-Sebiji bawang besar dimayang
-Ikan bilis
-Jeruk lobak
-Sebiji telur
-Cili mesin 1 sudu
Goreng ikan bilis hingga garing, angkat dan ketepikan.
Kemudian tumiskan cili mesin hingga masak, masukkan jeruk lobak & ikan bilis.
Akhir sekali masukkan telur & kacau hingga sebati.

7. Pegaga Masak Lada Hitam
-Sedikit santan pekat
-Lada hitam (lebihkan)
-Ikan bilis putih
-Kunyit hidup
-Lada hitam, halia & kunyit hidup ditumbuk.
-Kemudian masukkan santan direneh bersama bahan tumbuk. Biar pekat.
-Kira OK masukkan pegagadan ikan bilis serta bahan-bahan perasa.

8. Hati Masak Limau Purut
-1/2kg hati lembu direbus dan dipotong kecil
-5 helai daun limau purut dipotong tengah dan dikoyakkan
-6 tangkai cili kering (Dalam pantang boleh diganti dengan lada hitam secukupnya)
-3 labu bawang besar
-4 ulas bawang putih
-2cm hirisan halia muda
-½ camca ketumbar
-½ camca jintan manis
-½ camca jintan putih
-Garam & gula secukup rasa
-Minyak untuk menumis
-Cili/lada hitam, bawang besar, bawang putih halia, jintan dan ketumbar dimesin halus.
-Tumis hingganaik bau/garing kemudian masukkan hati dan daun limau purut. Jika suka boleh tambah air untuk berkuah.
-Setelah itu, masukkan perasa. Ok.Boleh diangkat dan dihidang.

9. Hati Goreng Lada
-600g hati lembu direbus dan dipotong
-4 sudu besar lada putih
-2 sudu besar serbuk rempah
-2 sudu besar minyak
-1 sudu besar air asam jawa
-½ sudu serbuk jintan putih
-1 sudu serbuk kunyit
-2 labu bawang besar
-Garam/ Ajinomoto secukup rasa
-1 batang daun bawang untuk hiasan
-Gaulkan hati yang telah dipotong bersama rempah-rempah tersebut
-Tumiskan ia, agak kira okay bolehlah dimasukkan air asam jawa
-Taburkan hirisan daun bawang

10. Ayam/Daging Bakar Cicah Air Asam Lada Hitam
-4cm halia muda
-3cm kunyit hidup
-Garam secukupnya (Kesemua bahan ini dikisar dan diperap)
-Bakar ayam/daging dengan bahan perap.
-Hiriskan dan boleh dihidang dengan pencicah iaitu 2 sudu lada hitam, hirisan bawang besar dan perahan asam jawa

11. Sambal Tok-tok
-Ikan bilis
-Cili padi
-Bahan tersebut ditumbuk kasar dicampur bersama perahan limau.

12. Daging Goreng Halia
-Daging batang pinang dihiris nipis
-Halia dimayang halus
-Bawang Putih diketuk
-Bawang besar dihiris bulat
-1 biji lada benggala/ ketukkan cili padi kalau nak pedas
-Sedikit sos tiram
-Sedikit kunyit hidup/kunyit serbuk, Garam/ Serbuk Perasa
-Jika nak berkuah, bancuhkan sedikit tepung jagung dan air@ bagi lebih perisa masukkan sedikit air asam jawa.
-Panaskan minyak, masukkan daging yang telah diperap sebentar dengan kunyit dan garam.
-Agak lembut , tumiskan bawang putih dan halia, masukkan juga sos tiram dan bahanperasa mengikut kesesuaian.
-Akhir sekali masukkan , lada benggala ataupun cili padi dan hirisan bawang besar.
-Jika nak berkuah boleh juga ditambah dengan bancuhan tepung jagung.

13. Daging Goreng Lada Hitam (Marinated)
-Daging hihiris halus
-Lada hitam secukup rasa
-Bawang besar
-Bawang putih
-Sos Cili/Cili mesin
-Sos tomato
-Sos tiram
-Kicap pekat
-Garam/serbuk perasa
-Perapkan daging bersama halia , bawang putih dan bawang besar yang telah dikisar. Termasuk bahan sos terlibat.
-Panaskan minyak, masukkan daging bersama bahan perap, tambahkan air mengikut keperluan bagi memastikan daging lembut.
-Setelah empuk, boleh ditambah dengan garam dan serbuk perasa mengikut keperluan dan juga hirisan bawang besar.

14. Ayam Panggang Selera Pantang
-1 batang serai dititik
-1 sudu jintan manis
-½ sudu jintan putih
-1cm kunyit hidup
-1cm lengkuas
-1cm halia
-4 ulas bawang merah
-2 ulas bawang putih
-Air asam jawa
-½ cawan air
-Ayam dilumur dengan garam & sedikit bawang merah, halia, bawang putih & kunyit tumbuk juga lengkuas.
-Panggang ayam
-Tumis bahan tumbuk yang lebih tadi, masukkan jintan tumbuk, air asam jawa juga garam. Tambah sedikit air untuk berkuah. Dan bolehlah disiram
ayam panggang tadi dengan kuah tersebut.

15. Ayam Percik Chinese Style
-1 ekor ayam
-Daun salam dan daun kunyit
Bahan A:
-Bunga Lawang
-Bunga Cengkih
-Kulit Kayu Manis
-Jintan Manis
-Lada Hitam
-Serai & Halia
-Gula Melaka – dicincang halus
-Lemon – diperah
-Bawang putih dan bawang merah ditumbuk halus
(Jika suka boleh ditambah sedikit cili padi)
-Masukkan daun salam & daun kunyit ke dalam ayam.
-Panggang @ goreng dalam minyak penuh (deep fried)
-Tumis bawang merah dan putih. Masukkan bahan-bahan A, masukkan juga perahan lemon, gula melaka, garam.
-Masukkan santan cair biar mendidih di atas api perlahan. Bila dah pekat masukkan santan pekat.
-Bila dah pekat, boleh disiram ke ats ayam panggang tersebut.

16. Lengkuas Muda Masak Lada Merah

(Petua baik diamalkan memperbaiki rahim wanita atau dengan lain perkataan mengetatkan lagi organ wanita selepas bersalin)
-Lengkuas muda dihiris nipis ~ direbus sehingga kering utk buang pahit & maung lengkuas
-Sedikit ikan bilis
-Bawang merah
-Bawang Putih
-Lada merah
-Lada ikan bilis, bawang putih & merah ditumbuk dan ditumis dengan sedikit minyak.
-Masukkan garam dan lengkuas yg telah direbus tadi dan kacau agar ia sebati.

17. Turi Masak Asam Rebus
(Bagus Utk Menambah Susu Ibu).
-Daun Turi
-Ikan Bilis
-Asam Keping
-Bawang merah
-Kunyit Hidup
-Ikan Bilis
-Lada merah
-Bahan iaitu bawang merah, lada merah, ikan bilis, kuntit hidup ditumbuk kemudian direbus.
-Masukkan garam, asam keping dan daun turi biarkan sehingga mendidih kemudian bolehlaa diangkat.

Semoga dapat membantu dan semoga bermanfaat, silakan SHARE

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Wednesday 12 November 2014


6 biji telur gred B ( 2 drpdnye di buang putihnya )
100g tepung superfine (ayak )
60g tepung jagung( ayak )
100g gula kastor
1 sudu teh baking powder( ayak )
2 sudu teh ovallete
50g air sejuk
75g mentega ( cairkan )

1.masukkan semua bahan dalam 1 bekas kecuali mentega.
2.Putar hingga putih gebu.
3.Masukkan mentega,gaul sebati.
4.Bakar selama 45 minit- 1jam suhu 150'c.( ikut oven msng2 )
5.Bila dah sejuk potong kek pada 2.

Bahan Filling
250g cream cheese
5 sudu besar susu pekat manis

1.Campurkan semua bahan,putar sebati.
2.Jika filling nampak sedikit cair,masukkan dalam peti sejuk 10 minit.
3.Setelah itu boleh digunakan.

Bahan Hiasan
1 ketul cheese cheddar ( di parut )

Cara Membuat Snow Cheesecake
1.Ambil 1 keping kek sapu filling diatas kek dan ratakan.
2.Kemudian ambil 1 keping kek lagi dan sapu filling pada seluruh badan kek.
3.Akhir sekali tabur cheese cheddar pada seluruh kek.
4.Simpan kek dalam peti sejuk selama 2 jam sebelum dipotong.

Generations Timeline

When crafting your business plan or giving it an overhaul, it's critical to thoroughly understand your target customers. Understanding your target customers' demographics helps you determine exactly what your products or services will be, and what kind of customer service tactics work best.

Smart marketers know there are many subsets of every group targeted; not every message will work on every person. However, despite consumers' resistance to stereotyping in media, demographics certainly aren't becoming obsolete. It's still useful to get the big-picture view of your target consumers. If you know, for example, your product will be geared toward seniors, then your research will tell you the font on your website should be easy to read, with a white or light-colored background and that it should avoid excessive use of Flash.

As the boundaries between categories begin to blur, and consumers no longer like to be singled out based on income, gender, ethnicity or education, one of the keys to keeping your marketing cutting-edge is customization, and personalization--essentially letting your customer know you think of them as an individual and understand their lifestyle. If you don't speak to their lifestyle, a customer will tune you out. Get a firm grasp on the lifestyles of the five very distinct generations:

Gen I
Also called Gen Z, the internet generation or iGeneration, they're the children of the youngest boomers. Because this generation is still very young, marketing and demographics theories are still developing. One huge distinction, however, can be made: This generation is the only one to be born entirely in the internet era, and to parents who are generally more accepting and knowledgeable of such technology. This differs from the next generation, Gen Y, which sometimes dealt with tensions stemming from their parents' lack of technological savvy or acceptance.

Gen Y
Also referred to as millenials or "echo boomers," they are the children of boomers, ages nine to 27. Because of higher costs of living or, in some cases, the over-protective nature of their boomer parents, many are choosing to live at home. University of Michigan economics and public policy professor Bob Schoeni told Time magazine that the percentage of 26-year-olds living with their parents rose from 11 percent to 20 percent between 1970 and 2004. They're 75 million strong and they have disposable income because of their parents' support. Growing up with computers means this generation is especially responsive to internet campaigns. They process information quickly and are especially brand loyal. Gen Yers like innovative marketing approaches and advertising that uses humor or is "outside the box."

Gen X
They are perhaps the most overlooked generation, falling in the shadow of the powerful baby-boom generation. But the 44 million Gen Xers born between 1965 and 1975 are entering their peak earning and buying years. They're tech-savvy and love to shop. They have a high value for education and knowledge. Unlike Gen Yers, brand prestige alone won't woo this generation--let them know why your product is a good value. They are independent and like to save.

Until the boomer generation hit age 50, marketers generally forgot consumers once they passed that age mark. Today, however, they're awakening to the buying power of this 76 million-strong group. On average boomers spend $400 billion more per year than any other generation. They're at many life stages: empty nesters or full nesters, boomer grandparents, single or married, etc. What they have in common is exceptional drive and the ability to evaluate advertising and determine its value to them. Between 2005 and 2030, the over-60 group will grow by 80 percent--as they age, be careful not to label them as "old." This generation has a Peter Pan complex--play up their youthfulness in marketing.

The Greatest Generation
Born between 1909 and 1945, today's octogenarian has seen it all when it comes to advertising, resulting in a particularly savvy consumer segment. They are more careful about whom they do business with, and they want to know more about your business before they choose to patronize it. Having been born during, or lived through, the Great Depression, World War II and many economic recessions, they're keen on value and in general don't "shop for fun" as other generations tend to do. They have pensions to rely on that other generations won't have as they become senior citizens, so concentrate on communicating the value of your product or services. A practical bunch, they also tend to be extremely loyal customers.

Seniors like to spend money on their grandchildren. Seventy-five percent of the over-50 crowd are grandparents; they buy 25 percent of all toys sold in America.

Today's senior is living longer than ever before, and they're dealing with fewer acute illnesses and more chronic ones as their lifespans increase due to science and medicine. They want products to help them stay active, learn and be independent. There's plenty of room in the marketplace for products and services to help them achieve this lifestyle.

It's a mistake to think octogenarians aren't using the internet. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, people over the age of 65 spend more than $7 billion per year online.

Test Your Product By Area
Another way to use demographic research is by testing the popularity of a product within a chosen community. How do you know it will be successful in that particular locale? You must look at the community's:

Purchasing power. Find out the degree of disposable income within the community.

Residences. Are homes rented or owned?

Means of transportation. Do prospective customers in the area own vehicles, ride buses or bicycles, and so on?

Age ranges. Does the community consist primarily of young people still approaching their prime earning years, young professionals, empty nesters or retirees?

Family status. Are there lots of families in the area or mostly singles?

Leisure activities. What type of hobbies and recreational activities do people in the community participate in?

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10 questions that can help you determine target market

Here are 10 questions that can help you determine whether you have a target market and what it is:

Who would pay for my product or service?
First, try to understand the problem that your product or service can solve, says Greg Habstritt, founder of, an Alberta, Canada-based advice website for small-business owners. Then, use that information to help determine who would be willing to pay for a solution. "Not only do [your potential customers] need to have the problem, but they need to be aware they have the problem," Habstritt says. He recommends using Google's keyword tool to see how many people are searching for words related to your business idea.

Who has already bought from me?
To refine both your target marketing and your pricing strategy, see who has already bought your product or service, says Amos Adler, president of Memotext, a medication compliance app maker in Bethesda, Md. You can gain valuable insights by releasing the product in a test phase and letting potential consumers speak with their wallets.

Am I overestimating my reach?
It's easy to assume that most people will need your service or product. But rather than make assumptions, reach out to groups of potential customers to get a more realistic picture of your audience and narrow your marketing efforts. You can conduct surveys, do man-on-the-street type interviews in stores, or organize small focus groups. "We get so passionate about the idea and how good it is that we overestimate the market size," Hisrich says.

What does my network think?
As you try to understand your target market, it may be challenging -- and expensive -- to seek feedback from potential consumers through surveys, focus groups and other means. But you can tap into your social networks to get free feedback. Many people in your extended network will likely be willing to take the time to give you opinions and advice, says Bryan Darr, founder of Mosaik Solutions, a data analytics company in Memphis, Tenn.

Am I making assumptions based on my personal knowledge and experience?
Your own personal experience and knowledge can make you believe that you understand your target market even before you conduct any research, Habstritt says. For example, if you're a fitness buff and want to start a business related to personal health, you may assume you know your customer. "Don't assume that you can think like your target market," Habstritt says. "You have to ask them and talk to them to really understand them."

What's my revenue model?
Figuring out how you'll reap revenue can help you find your target market, Hisrich says. Social ventures can be particularly tricky, he says, because without a specific plan for getting revenue it's easy to overestimate the size of the customer base. But if you're revenue model is simply selling a product online, it can be easier to figure out a target customer.

How will I sell my product or service?
Your retailing strategy can help determine your target market, Hisrich says. Will you have a store, a website or both? Will you be marketing only in your home country or globally? For example, an online-only business may have a younger customer than one with stores. A brick-and-mortar business may narrow your target market to people in the neighborhood.

How did my competitors get started?
Evaluating the competition's marketing strategy can help you define your own target customer, says Darr. But of course, don't simply copy the marketing approach of your biggest competitors once you define your target consumers. "You must have a way of differentiating what you are doing from what the other guys offer," he says.

How will I find my customers?
As you start defining your target customers, try to determine whether you can efficiently market to them. You'll need to do some market research and study your target audience's demographic, geographic and purchasing patterns. If you're selling from a storefront, you need to know how many people in your target market live nearby. If you're selling from a website, you need to learn about your prospective customers' online behavior. Understanding how to locate your customers early on can help you establish a game plan once you start building a marketing strategy, Hisrich says.

Is there room to expand my target market?
Be prepared to redefine your target market or to expand it over time, Darr says. For example, figuring out whether you're targeting a domestic consumer or customers throughout the world can be a good start. As the power of mobile mapping has grown in the last decade, he's seen the number of target markets grow at his own firm. In the beginning, Mosaik dealt mostly with wireless operators, but now he also counts cable providers and broadcasters as clients, Darr says.

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